I have mounted the inner side plates for the foot controls. I had to grind down the frame a tiny bit to get the right side to lie flush, but they seem to fit fine. I was forced to use countersunk socket bolts, since the motor mount plates butt up against the plates on the inside. That complicated the install, but actually has a secondary advantage in that the countersink helps locate the plate more firmly to the frame, thus doubling the thickness of the bearing surface on either end of the swingarm pivot bolt. The rear motor mount assembly isn’t shown in this photo; I used a couple of equal thickness spacers to simplify the process and provide access while I was figuring out how this all would go together.

A single plate of 7/32″ steel will definitely bend, or at least deflect, under the stress of a rider standing on the footpegs, so I am planning on using longer bolts and spacers to incorporate a second plate outboard of the frame with an alloy spacer sandwiched between them behind the frame, where the pegs and pedals mount.

By not welding anything to the frame, I leave myself the option to revise the configuration of the foot controls fairly easily if I choose to later on. And by this point, I’m sure you’ve all come to expect a heavy, overly complicated, clumsy solution from me, and I wouldn’t want to disappoint.