I broke down and ordered a re-pop BSA tank from India. As I was preparing to do electrolytic rust removal on the banged up original I already paid too much for, I decided I’m just getting too sick of wrestling with rusty, dented, worn-out crap. It’s a bit of a gamble, and it even won’t arrive until the end of the summer. But I learned that a good portion of the original British tanks have split at the rear seams by this point, exactly where mine has. These reproduction tanks are not only new, but actually made of thicker gauge steel than the original.
I ordered cherry because it was the only solid color I could find for sale, and I was afraid a bare metal tank would be rusted after spending two months in a seaborne shipping container. (This way it will only be rusted on the inside!) So I guess the color has been decided — Bultakenstein is going to be cherry red, which I’m totally okay with.