I have not done much work on the bike other than lots of measuring and test-fitting, but here’s an update. I revised my swingarm arrangement. A new swingarm bush arrived and the good news is that the threads on the Suzuki axle fit inside the bush no problem, so this will work. So, here’s a third “no weld” version (I probably will still weld the red washer to the frame, but that will be only for secondary support).

If I can figure out exactly where the swingarm needs to be located to center the back wheel this evening, I’ll drop the pivot bolt off with a retired machinist I know tomorrow morning and have him turn it and make up the spacers. In related news, I really, really want a lathe.

I also fitted up the forks and a rear shock to the bike temporarily and mocked up this illustration. The shock is an XR100 unit, which won’t be the final component, but it provides an idea of what length I need (it’s 10.5″) and gives me some something to work with for right now. The forks are a bit long, but I am planning to use clip-ons mounted above the top triple clamp, so hopefully I can make them work without further modification.