I’m calling my new Montesa project “El Fènix,” since it seems to be rising unexpectedly quickly from the ashes of the stillborn Aermacchi-Ducati Special. I offered up the rear wheel and shocks, … Rear wheel fitmentRead more
Stock Benelli swingarm
I’ve decided to transfer the Yamaha SR250 swingarm I bought for the Benelli over to the Montesa frame I recently purchased. The SR swingarm would need some significant re-work to fit the … Stock Benelli swingarmRead more
Initial Montesa chassis mockup
The Montesa King Scorpion frame arrived. It has some nasty, localized corrosion around the tang slotted into the front of the seat, but that’s probably the area I care about least, since … Initial Montesa chassis mockupRead more
Rim rust clean-up
I started cleaning up the Bridgestone front wheel I bought for the Benelli/ATC250R. Since it’s not going to be a running bike, I can’t justify new rims, and I doubt I would … Rim rust clean-upRead more
Only mostly dead
As I face some fairly significant life changes down the road, I’ve decided to start selling off much of my stash of parts. I pulled out everything I’d stored in the crawlspace. … Only mostly deadRead more
Origins – Montesa Frame
I’ve been yearning for a Montesa Rápita (a roadster-ized King Scorpion) for over a year now, but they only built 600 of them, so that’s not going to happen. Since the chance of … Origins – Montesa FrameRead more
Reverse cargo trike with vintage style
I’ll be retiring by the end of the year, and while toying with ideas for a part-time hustle after I retire, I began looking at various street vending setups. That rabbit hole … Reverse cargo trike with vintage styleRead more
Exhaust installed!
My expansion chamber is back from my welding guy, and he did a great job on both the new section of headpipe and the hanger bracket. I bolted it up and I … Exhaust installed!Read more
Rear brake actuation
I need to get serious about re-thinking the rear brake. I had been using an actuating rod, the method used by both the Pursang (frame) and GS450T (rear brake). Unfortunately, my brake … Rear brake actuationRead more
Rubber-mounted expansion chamber hanger
This is my over-engineered rubber-mount expansion chamber hanger, courtesy of SendCutSend and South Bend: I took a lot of time to locate the hanger bracket to the exhaust in the exact right … Rubber-mounted expansion chamber hangerRead more