Ever since I finished my Honda CL125S project, I’ve been telling myself to get back to this bike. But frankly, I’ve felt more than a little paralyzed, not really confident about how to proceed. There’s bodywork questions, the footpeg and pedals are all totally up in the air, and I’ve had a devil of a time getting a precise measurement on the chain offset, since I don’t have all the engine mounts sorted yet. There’s also the whole engine rebuild I’ve been putting off.
So, I sat myself down next to the bike and tried to think things through. I decided the biggest bottleneck was nailing down all the measurements needed to make my rear engine mounts. The chain offset is still slightly loosey-goosey, but I’ve decided that being within a millimeter or two will have to be good enough, just so I can stop dithering about it and get back to creating some hard parts. Better to do it and discover its wrong than never get around to doing it.
With this in mind, I did design in some adjustment just by changing the length of a couple dowel spacers.

The only thing I don’t have here is distance from each of the upper and lower crossbars to its corresponding crankcase mounting boss. I already came up with some plastic templates that should be lying around somewhere in my workshop, I just need to find them and measure them.