So, the laser cut (yes, really laser cut) rear engine mounting plates Garrett had made arrived yesterday. They’re absolutely perfect. Here they are mocked up with some allthread. The bottom mounting stud will mount through the frame on both sides to take some of the load off the my skinny little swingarm pivot bolt. I will also have to play with spacers on each side of the pivot compensate for the thickness of the two plates.

Obviously, I still have plenty of fabrication work to do here. I bought plenty of 1.25″ x 0.120″ wall DOM tubing and confirmed that the Suzuki GT rubber mounts are a properly snug push-fit. They will have small mounting tabs welded onto them, as shown in my original napkin sketch. The engine is slightly offset from the frame centerline. Rather than attempting to work out the exact engine offset ahead of time and then attempting to weld the tabs on in the exact correct location, I will place them further outboard from the engine mounting bosses and use alloy spacers to locate the engine into place between them. As long as the tabs are anywhere inboard of the chain run, I’m good.