I spent more time working on The Bride’s fuel tank, and it’s coming along surprisingly well. I am following the technique demonstrated by TNT Moto on YouTube:
So far, I have sanded down the tank with a sanding sponge, then 400 grit sandpaper, then a quick test on one area with 800 and 1500. I then hit one corner with my heat gun, and I think it will look fairly decent.

The results aren’t ideal, not only because I didn’t spend a great deal of time on it but also because I didn’t have any 600 grit paper to do that important interim step with. There are some big gouges in the tank that I won’t be able to do anything about, but that doesn’t bother me. “Decent” is good enough.
I also bought some heavy-duty white adhesive vinyl sheet. I’ll add a contrasting color block on each side of the tank. They’ll not only cover up the embedded discoloration left behind by the Can-Am logo decals, but also help tie the tank to the white fenders visually.