My expansion chamber is back from my welding guy, and he did a great job on both the new section of headpipe and the hanger bracket. I bolted it up and I … Exhaust installed!Read more
A shadetree amateur’s attempt to create my own low-budget, scratch-built motorcycle, to find out whether I could do it.
Nearly 15 years later, I still don’t quite know the answer.
Rear brake actuation
I need to get serious about re-thinking the rear brake. I had been using an actuating rod, the method used by both the Pursang (frame) and GS450T (rear brake). Unfortunately, my brake … Rear brake actuationRead more
Rubber-mounted expansion chamber hanger
This is my over-engineered rubber-mount expansion chamber hanger, courtesy of SendCutSend and South Bend: I took a lot of time to locate the hanger bracket to the exhaust in the exact right … Rubber-mounted expansion chamber hangerRead more
Exhaust mock-up
I have worked through the initial issues in adapting the aftermarket Astro expansion chamber to Bultakenstein. The headpipe and main body, originally designed to be held together with springs, had been welded … Exhaust mock-upRead more
Expansion chamber tailoring
I bought an exhaust for it last August. With shipping and tax, the total cost was $240—not an inexpensive purchase. It’s an aftermarket, but I have my doubts about the seller’s claim … Expansion chamber tailoringRead more
Engine back into the frame
The motor has been sitting in a crate ever since it returned from the West Coast back in late January, while I’ve been devoting my attention to The Bride. However, my friend … Engine back into the frameRead more
Engine and frame color ideas
Bultakenstein’s motor has returned from its West Coast spa vacation, looking very healthy. True to the spirit of the bike, it’s a mix of parts. The cylinder I sent to Ralph wouldn’t … Engine and frame color ideasRead more
Bultakenstein’s motor is built!
I got a call from Ralph Weidling at Bultaco Parts US. The salvage Model 143 Frontera motor I sent him has been completely rebuilt, and has great compression. It’s mostly a stock … Bultakenstein’s motor is built!Read more
Engine set for rebuild
Ralph Weidling just called to say he’s ready to start rebuilding Bultakenstein’s engine. I sent it to him back in mid-June, but I was in line behind couple of full restorations. We … Engine set for rebuildRead more
Ten Years On…
Today marks the 10-year anniversary of the first post I wrote about Bultakenstein. At the time, I called it “Project X.” The project is still officially ongoing, though I haven’t touched Bultakenstein … Ten Years On…Read more